Plant of the Month
Dwarf Butterfly Bush

Buzz Buddleja
Just thought I would give a shout out for these great shrubby perennials in case you are not aware of their existence. A few years back smaller versions of buddlejas were introduced and we love them. Loads of butterfly attracting blooms most of the summer on a plant that gets about 2×3. Perfect in a container or in the ground and won’t need the space of the full size grower. My favorite series is ‘Buzz’. The colors range from ivory, magenta, purple and blue. The foliage is grey green, green or even more grey on the ivory one. The ivory really holds up well in the cold too, keeping nice looking foliage on it through the winter. These plants are included in our big 20% off perennial sale.
August Specials

Leonardo diVinci Rose
- 20% OFF most flowering ‘perennials’ does not include grasses, succulents, shrubs etc.
- 20% OFF all Roses
- 20% OFF all shade trees
- 50% OFF Supertunias while supply lasts
August 2014 News
The dog days of summer are here and I find it hard to believe that our community’s children will be heading back to school in a couple of weeks. Things have slowed down considerably at the nursery which gives us a little more time to do projects. The only problem with that is by the time we have finished the daily watering the temps are in the triple digits.
Speaking of triple digits, be aware that many vegetable plants cease to flower over 95 degrees and any fruit that is not shaded is likely to form a sunburn spot on its western side. Some of my Purple Prince tomatoes almost look cooked when I pick them. Bell type peppers are very prone to this and it is one reason I prefer to grow the longer style of sweet peppers. We would love to get feedback on this year’s varieties of vegetable failures and successes. I grow in the grow bags and I tend to pack them. If I use totally new soil that usually works okay but when I do not my squash and cucumbers really suffer-do not produce much and the size is small. I am not inundated with tomatoes either, but since I love fresh salsa I can never have enough.
Hard to imagine but it is time to start thinking of planting the cool season vegetables. This is the time to start seed of the brassica family (broccoli, kale, cabbage etc., artichokes, beets, carrots, chard, lettuce, peas, spinach, etc. We have the seed for you and will be getting in some of those starts this month but expect more next month as the temps start to cool a little and the sun is not so intense.
We just received an order of iron work from Upper Deck. For those of you who have been looking for some of the fancier hanging baskets and small cast iron garden art that we often have you might want to check it out.
The most important thing to do in the garden now besides harvesting is keeping your plants hydrated and fed. If you use a chemical fertilizer in particular be very careful about fertilizer burn in these high heats, but I have burned with fish on the foliage too.
The nursery looks full, lush and full of late season color in spite of the heat. The coreopsis, echinacea and rudbeckias look particularly awesome and the crepe myrtle and hibiscus are doing their thing. Maybe it is time to refurbish your containers with a fresh plant or two or to cut back and feed your hanging baskets for months more of enjoyment. This time of year the grasses and succulents can really come into their own and are are great addition to the fall garden. Mums, asters, salvia and zinnias are more late color to look for.
Iris bulbs should be arriving at the end of the month with daffs and the like to follow in Sept. We have placed the garlic, onion and potato order with a new to us company and expect them by the end of September.
It is time for our Hot August Deals. August is the month we traditionally put our perennials on sale at 20% OFF regular price and this month is no exception. Supertunias are half off while supply lasts. All shade trees are 20% OFF this month too.
Happy Gardening,