We are officially into Spring here at the nursery. Our first order of baby herbs are planted and growing in our little greenhouse. Our second order of plugs, mostly petunias and calibrochoas, arrived today. Some of them will go into our baskets and some into 4-inch pots.
Read more →Happy New Year everyone. I am feeling pretty positive about the coming year in spite of everything. It might have something to do with our abundant sunshine and I am not letting the fear of too warm and dry get to me. That is a big change
Read more →That was some rain total we received over 3 days! My weather station registered over 16 inches. That is one-third of Middletown’s yearly average rainfall. I am thankful the sun is shining today and that we have some dry weather ahead. All of our tree, floral, and
Read more →I said in the last newsletter that the hot days of summer were behind us. Little did I know. At least the days are not as long, but it is still brutal out in the sun in the afternoon. Looks like it will be hot all week,
Read more →I have just returned from a road trip with my son to see our family in Lethbridge, Alberta, via White Salmon, Washington. My other son and his family live in White Salmon, so a few days spent there on the way and on the way back from
Read more →We just experienced a few nice days after the longest, hottest triple-digit run that I can remember. More triple digits are on the way, but since we are more than 5 weeks from the solstice with the days a little shorter, here is hoping this next spell
Read more →July is here, and if you have been reading the newsletters over the years, you will remember that this is the month with the highest evapo-transpiration rate for plants. Not only is the evaporation rate from the soil high, but the transpiration rate is, too. What is
Read more →May finally brought some nice weekend weather, and we did get busy this past month. Mother’s Day weekend lived up to its reputation for being the busiest weekend in the nursery business. Of course it helped that it did not rain like it did the previous weekend.
Read more →We are experiencing some of the best weather of the year right now. The hills are still green, the leaves are all fresh, and the roses are starting to bloom. Granted, the spring-blooming trees are done down here, but the Dogwoods are in full bloom on Cobb.
Read more →Notice: Closed Easter Sunday I am going to say spring is here because the neighbor’s Western Redbud is in full bloom across the parking lot. If you have never noticed, it is by far the best native redbud in the county. If you want one of your
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