June 2014 Newsletter

June 2014 Newsletter

Plant of the Month Catalpa speciosa Catalpas are well adapted to our area as they are not particular about soil and will take both extreme heat and cold. The large heart shaped leaves of this tree give it a tropical appearance as do the large clusters of

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May 2014 Newsletter

May 2014 Newsletter

Plant of the Month The Betty Boop Rose This is a great florabunda rose. It performs very well in our climate with lots of flowers. They start out red and yellow but the yellow fades to white. The flowers open fully as they age and look like

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April 2014 Newsletter

April 2014 Newsletter

Plant of the Month Erysimum-Wallflower Wallflowers are a big favorite here as they have such a long bloom time. They come in a variety of colors and sizes and we have several varieties in stock. They do better with afternoon shade in our climate but will tolerate

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March 2014 Newsletter

March 2014 Newsletter

Plant of the Month Penstemon heterophyllus In keeping with this year’s water wise theme, this CA native is a winner. We usually carry the variety ‘Electric Blue’ but occasionally we have had other varieties. You can plant these lovely perennials in sun or with some afternoon shade

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February 2014 Newsletter

February 2014 Newsletter

February Plant of the Month Bergenia I am already breaking the 2014 rule as this very hardy shade perennial calls for regular water but they will endure neglect, poor soil and even some drought. Since they are a shade plant and flower early they will require just

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December 2013 Newsletter

December 2013 Newsletter

Big Year End Clearance Sale Nov. 30- Dec. 24 Just about everything 25-50% off 25% off soil, fertilizer, spray, house plants, frost protection, weed cloth, all pottery and containers, wind chimes, garden art, benches, fences, arches, baskets, seeds, selected evergreens, olives, citrus, loquats, fig and blueberry liner

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November Newsletter

Plant of the Month Cane Berries Black, Boysen, Logan, Marion, Olallie, and Raspberries For a change and because we have a lot of berries left this fall I have chosen them for the featured plant this month. Berries produce biennial canes, meaning they grow from the roots one

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October Newsletter

Plant of the Month Pulmonaria – Lungwort These interesting low growing shade loving perennials are one of the first to bloom in the spring, often before the foliage fully emerges. The flowers buds are usually pink and depending on the variety will open to a bright blue, purple blue

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September 2013 Newsletter

September 2013 Newsletter

Plant of the Month Assorted Succulents $2.00 off one gallon/ $1.00 off 4 inch and 6 packs I thought to make our succulents the plant of the month. These plants are a good choice for the water wise garden and containers as you just need to water

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August 2013 Newsletter

August 2013 Newsletter

Plant of the Month Creeping Wire Vine Muehlenbeckia axillaris Creeping wire vine is a New Zealand native that will grow in sun or shade here. The leaves are small, more so in the sun and the flowers are insignificant. They grow on thin, wiry stems up to

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