Plant of the Month Aquilegia/Columbine Columbines are spring-blooming perennials with lacy foliage, and usually spurred two-toned flowers above the foliage on slender stems. Suited to a woodland area they can be grown here anywhere with good drainage and out of hot sun. Cut back after bloom to
Read more →December 2018 Newsletter The rain has finally arrived, the smoke has cleared, plants are going to sleep and it looks a lot like Christmas at the nursery. The cut trees are available now till we sell out so best to buy sooner rather than later even if
Read more →November already. First I will remind you that our hours change to 10-4, closed Wednesday. This helps keep payroll expenses down during our slower time and we do not have to be open as long in the colder months ahead. Believe me, on a cold rainy day
Read more →Plant of the Month Phygelius I selected this woody-based perennial for this months featured plant to give it some much-needed publicity. This perennial is under-utilized in our local gardens. They can grow to 3 to 4 ft tall, although usually, you find hybrids that just reach 2
Read more →Plant of the Month Heuchera varieties and hybrids Coral Bells We don’t often have plants that tolerate a shadier spot as our plant of the month, and this one is a real beauty. The new introductions are grown more for their foliage than the flowers, making it
Read more →Plants of the Month Allium ‘Millenium’ Here is the allium that I mentioned in an earlier newsletter, voted a Perennial of the Year for 2018. The 2-inch purple ball clusters form from mid to late summer on this ornamental onion and are attractive to butterflies. The clumps
Read more →Plant of the Month Coreopsis Most perennial gardens are not complete without at least one of the many varieties of Coreopsis. These are easy to grow, long blooming members of the sunflower family. Typically little to moderate water requirements, almost any soil and sun is all these
Read more →Plant of the Month Coleus x hybridus Annual color for a bright shady spot does not give you many choices. You are pretty much stuck with impatiens if you need deer resistance. Begonias work as do geraniums in bright shade, but for my money, coleus is the
Read more →Plant of the Month Artemesia stelleriana ‘Silver Bullet’ A Proven Winners Selection Fancy yet unfussy describes this variety of Wormwood. They are deer resistant, heat tolerant and drought tolerant. Its habit is mounding from 6-10 inches tall and 10-14 inches wide. These grow in full sun and
Read more →Plant of the Month Vitus vinifera Grapes What an amazing vine. A single vine can cover a deck or terrace, form a leafy wall, or cover an arch over a walk. This vine not only offers us shade with its vigorous yearly growth and large leaves, colorful
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