May 2015 Newsletter

May 2015 Newsletter

Plants of the Month Stachys hybrid ‘Lilac Falls’ Betony I am very intrigued and a little excited about this plant. One of our local suppliers is growing this in 4 inch pots. It is touted to be deer resistant (yes), butterfly attracting (yes) and long blooming (yes).

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April Newsletter 2015

April Newsletter 2015

Plant of the Month Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo’ This great ground covering evergreen hardy perennial is the Perennial Plant Association’s ‘Perennial of the Year’, therefore I thought it would be appropriate to have it as our plant of the month. This geranium is not from the genus

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March Newsletter 2015

March Newsletter 2015

Plant of the Month Spring Blooming Shrubs- Forsythia cultivars, Spiraea prunifolia and Spiraea x vanhouttei I do not know why this is always a challenge to decide but Deb and I have chosen 3 different awesome spring blooming shrubs- Forsythia cultivars, Spiraea prunifolia and Spiraea x vanhouttei.

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February Newsletter 2015

February Newsletter 2015

Plant of the Month Helleborus species and hybrids Hellebores are one of the few perennials that are in their full glory and bloom this time of year. Some species are called Lenten and Christmas Rose and those common names are often used as the generic term for

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December 2014 Newsletter

December 2014 Newsletter

Plants of the Month Conifers, Wreaths, Garland, Indoor Holiday Color, Cut Evergreens   Huge Year End Sale 50% Off annuals, perennials, roses shade trees deciduous fruit and cane berries deciduous shrubs 25% Off evergreen shrubs and selected trees houseplants and indoor color soil, fertilizer and sprays pottery

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November 2014 Newsletter

November 2014 Newsletter

Plant of the Month Dichelostemma ida-maia AKA Brodiaea ida maia Ca. Firecracker, Firecracker Flower This summer flowering bulb is native to the western U.S.. The stems grow to 20 inches tall with yellow and green tipped crimson tubular flowers in early summer. The leaves are narrow and

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October 2014 Newsletter

October 2014 Newsletter

Plant of the Month Calendula officinalis Pot Marigold Now is a good time to get some Calendulas going in the garden. They often reseed and give you the color of marigolds in the cooler season. They are a Mediterranean native so they are climate appropriate. We have

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September 2014 Newsletter

September 2014 Newsletter

Plants of the Month This month we are not focusing on a single plant but two groups- succulents and grasses. A lot of grasses don’t flower till fall so this is a good time to feature them. Although there are a lot of ‘evergreen’ grasses to choose

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August 2014 Newsletter

August 2014 Newsletter

Plant of the Month Dwarf Butterfly Bush   Just thought I would give a shout out for these great shrubby perennials in case you are not aware of their existence. A few years back smaller versions of buddlejas were introduced and we love them. Loads of butterfly

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July 2014 Newsletter

July 2014 Newsletter

Plant of the Month Angelonia angustifolia Angelonias grow in sun with regular water and bloom all summer. They make a great container or bedding plant and are a long lasting cut flower. Although they are a perennial in their native tropics they do not winter over here.

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