May News 2021 As I start writing this newsletter, it feels like the nights are finally starting to warm up as I am still in a T-shirt at my computer in my unheated back room. Plus, even the National Weather Service is calling for warmer nights and
Read more →April Newsletter 2021 Here we are, a quarter through 2021 already and heading into Spring. After warm weather earlier in the year, it takes a little longer to warm up due to the nights continuing to be cold and not many days in the 70’s yet. I
Read more →Two months gone in 2021. I am still finding it difficult to write ’21 as the year. Maybe I just can not believe the way time flies. Here at the nursery, we are trying to gear up for spring which is just around the corner or already
Read more →Roses are the most widely planted and loved shrub in America. That being said, they are a bit of a challenge here in Lake County as deer also love them. They perform best in spring/early summer and autumn, as our heat and dry air can crisp any
Read more →Welcome to the new decade. I am going to start this off with the ‘Colors of the Year.’ I have mentioned before that, for some reason, truly beyond me, the trade magazines I follow make a big deal about this, especially Pantone’s choice. Well, they were going
Read more →Braeburn Apple New, from New Zealand. Superb late season fruit: very crisp and tangy, more flavorful than Granny Smith. Excellent keeper. Green with dark red blush. October-November harvest. 700 hours. Self-fruitful. USDA Zones 5-10. Empire Apple Sweet and juicy with sprightly flavor, a cross of McIntosh and
Read more →I am writing this on Thanksgiving, so it is only appropriate to start this letter out with some gratitude. It has been a trying, divisive, and uncharted year. Yet the nursery has flourished. We were put on the essential business list and were able to stay open.
Read more →Nov 2020 News Winter Hours Begin Nov 1, 10-4, 7 days a week. Closed Nov 25 and 26 Here we are in the last week of October, and although the National Weather Service did put out a freeze warning for us, it failed to materialize. However, I
Read more →Boy, oh boy, is this year one for the record books or what? As one customer said, it has come down to not if but when our communities will burn. I have friends that have recently lost homes in the Glass Fire, and some of you have
Read more →Open Labor Day Weekend 9-5 Monday 10-2 Where to begin… Is there anything left in our area to burn? Well, the answer is yes, but I am beginning to find that hard to believe. I have missed a lot of the smoke and anxiety being away for
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