Jan/Feb Newsletter 2018 A new year and a new look to the entrance of the salesroom. We did okay with Christmas sales and are now into bare root season. Most of the fruit trees are in, and special orders have been called. That is unless your things
Read more →Star Gardens will be closed Dec. 24- Jan 12 December Specials 25% off Gift Certificates 25% off all dry goods 25% off garden art and accessories 25% off 2018 bare-root 25% off bulbs, citrus, olives and indoor plants 25% off conifer tree and shrubs grown in CA.
Read more →Plant of the Month Ornamental Kale and Cabbage One of the best plants I know of to give color even in the darkest days of winter when pansies and other winter annuals are putting out few flowers, if any. These beauties pick up more color after frosts
Read more →Plant of the Month Ajuga-Carpet Bugle Ajuga reptans is an evergreen perennial in the Lamiaceae family that is a fast-spreading ground cover. The leaves of the species are green but there are several new cultivars with other leaf colors. Almost all have blue flower spikes in the
Read more →Plant of the Month Abutilon Hybrids-Flowering Maple These Malvaceae family members can be grown as potted plants indoors in winter and outdoors in summer. They are borderline cold hardy for us so if you do keep them out all winter long then they will need protection and
Read more →Plant of the Month Kniphofia Red-Hot Poker, Torch Lily Kniphofias form grass like clumps of foliage and are in the Lily family. The flowers stalks rise from the foliage with the look of a torch or poker as their common name suggests. The older variety planted was
Read more →Plant of the Month Oxalis Iron Cross We love this perennial sorrel which is grown from bulbs. Plant in light shade or morning sun here. It gets its name from the distinct makings on the clover like leaves. Add to it the dark pink flowers over a
Read more →Plant of the Month Parahebe perfoliata I really admire this plant and was able to get them this year. It is native to Australia and is classified as a shrubby perennial. It can grow up to 4 ft tall but I would say plan on two feet
Read more →Perennial of the Month Nepeta/ Catmint I am referring to Catmint, not catnip, although that is also a variety of Nepeta. These perennials require sun to part-sun and survive with moderate water. They are fast-growing spreading perennials that bloom frequently if sheared back by half after bloom.
Read more →Plant of the Month Bonsai and Dwarfs We had to get the minimum order for our little dwarf conifers and bonsai, so we have plenty. Thought it would be fun to feature them this month and offer them at 20% Off. Not sure if we have any
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