Plant of the Month Lamium We carry two types of Lamium, Lamium maculatum and Lamium (Lamiastrum) galeobdolon. Both make nice ground cover for a shady area with their silver-white foliage. They like regular water and are deer resistant. Lamium maculatum flowers in shades of pink purple or
Read more →Plant of the Month Nemesia fruticans Nemesia fruticans is native to South Africa where you find close to 70 different species. It is in the Scrophulariaceae family, aka the snapdragon family. They typically grow in sandy or disturbed soil in their native habitat. The flowers are two lipped, like some sun
Read more →Plant of the Month Gazania hybrids Gazanias are native to South Africa, making them climate appropriate, blooming over a long period of time. They come in two types- clumping or trailing. The flowers open on sunny days but stay closed at night and on cloudy days. They
Read more →News for 2016 Most of the bare root fruit trees are here with more coming next week (like shade trees, mulberries, grapes and berries). Roses are due to ship the first week of February and we have 6 different 2016 introductions coming. The lists are up on
Read more →Plant of the Month Zygocactus Zygos are native to Brazil and grow on trees like orchids in their native habitat. Plant them in a mix of peat moss and sand. They actually like regular water but let dry out between waterings. Fertilize every week to ten days
Read more →Plant of the Month Berberis thunbergii Japanese Barberry These deciduous, deer resistant shrubs come in a variety of leaf color and size. They are very tolerant of soil and climate types. They do have one drawback-tiny thorns. Most people prefer to plant the gold or red leafed
Read more →September 2015 Newsletter I am recently returned from my trip to British Columbia to my niece’s wedding. I passed on the opportunity to go to Butchart Gardens because I felt the price of admission was too high. It would have been nice to check out some nurseries
Read more →Newsletter August 2015 Here we are in August already and it is time to start thinking about Fall planting. We are stocking up on cool season vegetable and flower seeds and the order should arrive by the first of the week. Now is the time to start
Read more →Plant of the Month Gaillardia I figured since this a Plant of the Year selection it would be appropriate to feature as plant of the month. Gaillardias are in the Asteraceae family (daisy like flower structure). This family is typically sun loving and deer resistant. Gaillardias are
Read more →Plant of the Month Lobelia laxiflora I love this perennial from Arizona and Mexico. It grows in full sun to part shade with little water. Blooms over a long period with tubular red and yellow flowers on 2 – 3 foot stems. It can spread up to
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